We specialize in Ultra-Precise High-Purity Gas, Chemical and CMP Slurry Blending, Delivery and Distribution Systems
Diversified Fluid Solutions offers equipment, field support services, controls integration and technical expertise to meet highly stringent manufacturing process applications needs. We have thousands of installations of high purity fluid management systems with advanced state-of-the-art instrumentation, integration and control. We are dedicated to and focused on serving the semiconductor industry. DFS gas and chemical systems increase process windows, improve process yields, optimize floor space, minimize downtime and generally lower overall operations costs.
For more information: 208.489.0053 or email info@dfsolution.com
DFS systems have gone through the strict SEMI Certification process by a third party reviewer and have been certified in the following:
- S2 Environmental Health and Safety guidelines for Semiconductor manufacturing equipment
- S8 Safety guidelines for ergonomics engineering of Semiconductor manufacturing equipment
- S10 Safety guidelines for risk assessment & evaluation process for Semiconductor process equipment
- S13 Safety guidelines for O & M manuals used with Semiconductor manufacturing equipment
- S14 Equipment fire risk assessment for Semiconductor process equipment
- F47 Specification for Semiconductor processing equipment voltage sag immunity
We offer a broad range of product solutions including:
- Chemical Delivery
- Bulk Chemical Systems (Tanker off-load)
- Single or Multiple Drum Systems
- Tank Systems (Centrifugal and Pneumatic)
- Pressure Vessel Systems
- Mobile Delivery Systems
- Blending Systems
- Bulk Blending
- Mobile Blending
- Point-of-Use Blending
- Slurry Blending
- Ammonium Hydroxide Generation
- Waste Systems
- Industrial Waste Systems
- Sump Lift Stations
- Waste Treatment System
- Reclaim Systems
- Gas Systems
- Gas Storage and Delivery
- Gas Blending
- Gas Storage
- Gas Distribution
- We Custom-Manufacture the following Products to Order:
- Custom Process Racks and Skids
- Safety Access and View Tiles
- Production Tools, Tool Hook-up Modules and Racks
- Gas System Solutions
For more information: 208.489.0053 or email info@dfsolution.com